IntroductionThere are many excellent angling locations close to Lenymede bed and breakfast. These fishing pages provide introductory information to assist in your enjoyment of fishing in The Trossachs. Code of Conduct
The following code was produced by the Countryside Commission, please follow it;
For further information on access see Right of Access Page.
Throughout the area Salmon and Sea Trout annually migrate up the rivers to their spawning grounds, a site to bewitch many a spectator. Then too, there are the Brown and Rainbow Trouts, the first being widespread and the later available at fisheries such as Lake of Mentieth. There is plenty of excellent fishing to be had.
Well this gives you a lot of choice including roach, perch, pike, powan, and char. Loch Lomond in particular is an excellent location with its own unique species, the powan, a fresh-water herring, and the record pike catch of 47 pounds.
Although The Trossachs is centrally located it is not infeasible to travel to either coast for a days fishing.
For full details of seasons for particular waters please see the table on the Fisheries, Fish and Permits. The following information is a rough guide only.
Generally February to October, with the autumn end offering the best runs. The cost of permits varies widely both across the season and between waters.
Fishing for Brown Trout is closed by law from 6th October to 15th March, with some waters opening later. There is no public right to fish for brown trout so permission should always be obtained form the landowner, who may request a fee.
There is no statutary close season for fishing for Rainbow Trout, but each fishery sets its own. Rainbow Trout are entirely a stocked species in Scotland and fishing without a permit is seen as theft, rather than poaching.
Generally available year round, usually free, though a permit may be required for which a small fee may be charged.
Sea-angling has the benefit of being available year round, so do not exclude this option while visiting The Trossachs.
For further activities information go to the Main Activities, Cycling, Golfing, or Walking Pages.